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Presenting Speedi Coach:

Siarhei Ivashyn

Competitive Swimming - Competitive / High Performance

I am Siarhei Ivashyn, the Head Coach of SpeediSwim Aquatic Centre. I graduated with Bachelor’s degree in Physical training (sport), majoring in Physical Training. During my sports career as a National athlete, I studied and graduated at the National State Vocational School of Olympic reserve (Certificate of general secondary education) and Ministry of Sport and Tourism, city of Minsk, Republic of Belarus (Secondary vocational education diploma), an equivalent of Singapore Sports School.

With 12 years of experience as a Swimming Coach, I currently hold the NROC Senior Coach (Swimming) license, ASCA Level 1,2,3,4,5, and AUSTSWIM TSW certifications. As the creator of an educational website analysisswim.com for coaches and swimmers, I enhanced training with technology to analyze swimming technique, racing strategy, race analysis, produce resources on swimming drills and training plans used in swim practice of all levels.

In SPEEDISWIM, our goal is to effectively teach and develop individuals to achieve their highest capabilities in swimming and mentor them towards achieving their dreams. My program shall transform every swimmer to be stronger and technically competent, creating a platform for our athletes to show their full potential in swimming.

I love to see the fire in the eyes when kids win competitions or achieve their goals. I love to guide them towards achieving their goals and see a smile on their face during practice training.

A Good Coach can change a Game; a Great Coach can change a LIFE.

Join SPEEDI Competitive Swim Team, where our athletes gain a competitive edge in the pool as technology leads the way.

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